Mineral exploration expenditure jumps

Mineral Exploration figures for the Dec 20 quarter are hot off the press and show a 2.5% increase on the previous quarter. A total spend of
$718.4m with Western Australia accounting for a whopping 65% or $466.2m. To ensure the integrity of your exploration samples, please contact us on 08 6373 5005

JORC : Code Update

The JORC online survey is open to all stakeholders until 12th February 2021. Have your say here

Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, Australia, September 2020 | Australian Bureau of Statistics (abs.gov.au)

Some standout numbers from the ABS’s latest release on mineral exploration

  • the Sept 2020 qtr saw $702m invested in minerals exploration
  • taking the YTD (Sep 20) exploration spend to $2.8bn, it’s highest since 2013
  • total of 2,698,000 meters drilled for the Sep 20 qtr, up 14.6% from the previous quarter
  • Gold continues to dominate with an increase of $51m to $356m for the qtr

ESG – Essential data acquisition services by Resource Stack

Environmental – Social – Governance is a key aspect of any current or future project. At Resource Stack we have a team of experienced geoscientists who can assist in addressing the environmental requirements of your project, whether it be a new discovery or an active mining operation.

The cost of data acquisition from drillcore for environmental geochemistry risks is minor compared to the cost of collecting the sample. Collection of environmental data addresses JORC Code reporting for environmental factors, which demonstrates to potential investors that ESG issues have been considered, with data available. Such requirements are likely to increase with time.

Our team here at Resource Stack recommend that key project samples are tested for environmental geochemistry related risks. The data does not need to be analysed beyond acceptable QA/QC processes and therefore provides a database for future project developments. The Geoenvironmental setting and commodity type will provide guidance on what tests need to be undertaken, which can include:

  • Acid and Metalliferous Drainage (AMD) potential
  • asbestiform (fibrous) minerals
  • radioactivity
  • salinity
  • spontaneous Combustion
  • greenhouse Gas emissions
  • carcinogenic compounds

Contact our team to find out how such data can be gathered. To make it simple for our clients we can manage the entire process from sample selection through to database management to provide confidence that environmental issues have been considered

EIS government co-funded exploration drilling

Round 22 of the Exploration Incentive Scheme (EIS) saw 49 explorers and 8 prospectors successful in their applications for up to 50% of their exploration drilling costs to be co-funded by DMP (caps apply). Applications are now open for Round 23 for drilling from 1 June 2021 – 31 May 2022.